Inductive Automotive Ignition Upgrade

Accelerating Success: An Inductive Automation Ignition Upgrade in Austin

Discover how an Austin-based automotive plant upgraded Ignition from 7.9 to 8.1, standardized HMIs, and boosted efficiency—all while operating at peak capacity. Learn how our ExpertFusion™ approach provided the extra support they needed, freeing the internal team to focus on bigger-picture innovations.

Automotive Manufacturer Wins Together with Pigler Automation

Our commitment to winning together is a crucial part of the success of our team at Pigler Automation, and our customers. Over the past year, engineers Tim Copper and Teddy Klovstad have demonstrated that value to the highest quality with their work with a major automotive manufacturer here in the United States.
#Siemens #TIAPortal #InductiveAutomation #Ignition

Case Study: Building Lasting Relationships

Our Automation Service Manager, Karina Schlosser, reached out to one of our longtime customers, Dion Cruz from USACE to him ask him how Pigler Automation’s purpose to build lasting relationships has taken his experience working with us to the next level