At Pigler Automation, our north star, our purpose, has always been a commitment to building lasting relationships. How we interact as a team, how we work with other businesses, partners, and vendors… building relationships that last is the foundation of everything we do. We could not inspire confidence and growth with out the trust that we develop in our relationships.
Recently, our Automation Service Manager, Karina Schlosser, reached out to one of our longtime customers, Dion Cruz from USACE to him ask him how Pigler Automation’s purpose to build lasting relationships has taken his experience working with us to the next level.
Lasting relationships in any capacity can only result in beneficial dividends to both parties involved. In such a specific example case involving the relationship between a technical support contract vendor and an end-user can be exemplified in the relationship that exists between Pigler Automation and Corps of Engineers Bull Shoals hydropower project. As the individual that is expected to execute a working knowledge of an automation system that provides something as fundamental to society as electricity I have relied on not only the technical wisdom of the folks at Pigler Automation but the vested attitude that is displayed through the dedication and compassion to see that whatever question or problem I present to Pigler Automation is addressed and remedied in a personal and timely manner. I have had the pleasure of experiencing this type of lasting relationship for ten years or so and this has been a consistent experience with Pigler Automation!
Dion Cruz, Sr. Electronics Mech. USACE